Tuesday 15 September 2009

People of the world unite!

One year on from Lehman Brothers and the near collapse of the world financial system, have the bankers greedy ways changed?

My answer to my own question is no!

While the governments of the world have taken tax payers money in hundreds of billions(without I may add, asking the tax payer if it's happy for his/her money to be spent in this way) and saved the Bankers businesses and jobs, the bankers have said, thanks very much now we will pay ourselves a big bonus, and carry on where we left off.

It seems to me that governments are incapable, inept or in collusion with the bankers and the way they do business.

If manufacturing businesses can go to the wall and any other type of business for that matter, and all that governments can do is wring their hands and say, well that's market forces. Why are the banks treated so differently? Why are they allowed to keep the money they have leached from their businesses over the years? Why are they allowed to pay themselves massive bonuses out of the money the tax payers has given them in order to survive? Why are they allowed to give themselves enormous pensions. Why are they allowed to pay themselves so excessively for massive failure due to greed and incompetence?

Am I alone in thinking like this?

Why haven't governments stepped in to stop the excessive pay and bonuses?

They stepped in quick enough (with our money) when it all went pair shaped a year ago. They gave our money to these people. People who had ripped us off blind for years they appear to have been told to, "carry on boys and have some more cake and eat it, till it comes out of your ears".

Are we the general public to be used and abused in this way for ever? If our Governments won't stand up for us against these modern day robber Barron's, then we the people of the world must unite to say, "enough is enough, we will not stand by while our money is used in this way". "We will not stand by while bankers, gorge themselves at our expense". "They need to be told that they are lucky to have a job, let alone a bonus of millions".

I don't know how we can stop them, but stop them we must.

Our public services are going to be decimated by the debt our government has go us into, in order to save the banks. Swinging cuts are going to be the order of the day. Unemployment is going to rise to levels we haven't seen for decades. The Labour, Conservative or any other party seem happy to make us (the people) pay for the bankers greed.

Well, I for one, am not happy to pay for the bankers unjustified enormous salary and pension.

They need to be humbled, and the arrogance and contempt they show needs to stop. The public who are suffering and are going to suffer as a s result of their actions need to be assured that the banks appreciate what we have done for them, and they need to show some gratitude and contrition for the mess they got the world into.

I am not a communist but I want to use a phrase form that era. Not workers, but "people of the world unite" and lets change what's happening, before we have to do it all again. Don't let the pain and suffering they have caused pass by without using this moment to change what, and how they do their business.

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